
ManUp: Fight Like A Man Through Prayer

Fighting is a normal part of life. And whether you know it or not, you have an adversary – a real enemy who’s after your home, your marriage and your family. You can fight him but you won’t win without the right weapons. Your battle can only be won through prayer, truth and faith in the Word of God.

2 Corinthians 10:4 tells us that “the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” It’s crucial to understand that you can’t wage war on the enemy with flesh and blood tactics. If you do, you’ll only find yourself fatigued and defeated. Your enemy doesn’t fight fair; his strategy is to deceive you and blind you of your true identity as a child of God with all the authority of Jesus. But you can counteract his tactics with the right knowledge: You were created in the image of Christ and your worth is in Him alone!

So, when the devil has you up against the ropes, how do you defeat him? Your most impactful strategy is to buckle down in prayer. Believe the truth of God’s Word and weave it through your daily conversations with Him. The late Miles Monroe described this tool as “man exercising his legal authority on earth to invoke heaven’s influence on the planet.” It’s how we stay in constant communion with God. It’s how you receive instructions and guidance. Through prayer, you can command things to come into alignment with the Word of God. You can win over your wife and gain favor with your colleagues. It’s how you cover your children as they head out for school each day. And it’s how you send the devil fleeing from your territory.

If you want to walk victoriously through life and come out on top of each challenge, man up and fight the enemy the right way, through prayer. It’s not an option; it’s a priority.